About Me

My name is Melinda Sprinkle, and I currently teach United States History 1865-Present to sixth graders at Forest Middle School in Forest, Virginia.  I also teach one sixth grade World Cultures class.  I love teaching history to middle school students, and I love to travel.  I have been to Mexico, Japan, Canada, Germany, the Dominican Republic, and many states throughout America.  My love of history and travel combined with my love of technology make a great mix in the classroom.

Professionally: Personal education is an important part of being a teacher. I currently hold a master’s degree in Instructional Technology from VA. Tech–”Go Hokies!” I also have my National Board Teaching Certificate in Early Adolescence/Social Studies-History.

Personally: I have two children: Ean-7, Eric-1.  They are the love of my life, and we have a lot of fun together as a family.  They both make me laugh, and I would be totally lost without them.  My husband and I were high school sweethearts.  Life never has a dull moment in our home!

Whole Brain Teaching is a new adventure for me as I continuing to learn in the 21st century.  I am excited to be a part of this cohort of educators.  During this class, I want to learn more about Whole Brain Teaching and how to implement it with my classes.  I want to help all of my students become better learners, especially the 'hard to reach,' challenging students.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melinda,
    I wanted to check with you on the progress of the WBT conference @ Liberty? I've seen a lot of teachers commenting on the forum and wanted to check with you to see if you have contacted them. I have quite a few teachers in my school district. Plus, I will get in contact with the districts around me. We could send out fliers to all the districts in VA! Let's make the FUNTRICITY begin!
    Whole Brain Teaching in the Ladybug Club
