Saturday, July 6, 2013

WBT Book Club Chapter 14-Scoreboard Levels

Of the seven Scoreboard levels, I know I will implement the first four.  

Tried and true level one will be used from day one through day 180.  I am looking forward to introducing the Scoreboard on the first day this year.  Variations, as described in chapter 9, will help keep the board alive and exciting throughout the entire year.  It is what I call the backbone to WBT and unites the class.  

The Super Improvers Team of level two will not be introduced until several weeks after school begins.  It is important to allow students to fully understand and master level one before adding level two.  I will have the board in place before school begins though.  This will definitely create curiosity among students.  I love the fact that level one focuses on the group and level two on the individual.  There’s something about the ‘levels’ of level two that hook students attention.  It’s like a good video game.  We all like to advance to the next level!  I will also use level two from the time it is introduced through the remainder of the year.

Levels three and four will definitely help with individual behavior problems.  Practice cards will allow students to rehearse the rule they broke and inform parents of the negative/positive behavior.  I will try my best to “work” the first two levels so I do not have to use level three practice cards, but chances are, they will be needed sometime following winter break.  Finally, the level four Guff Counter helps eliminate disrespectful  behavior.  Two little words, “Please, stop,” will never sound as sweet until a group of middle school students use them to unite against challenging behavior.  I’ve never used the Guff Counter, but I’m guessing it’s as sweet as “It’s Cool!”  I hope I don’t have to use level four, but I’m glad it’s an option.  I will use it if needed, and I’m hoping it will not be until late in the school year.

I am hoping the remaining three levels will not be needed.  I am, however, glad they are available if I need to use them.

WBT Book Club Chapter 13-Daily Classroom Procedures

Daily Procedure Topic: Getting Supplies Out for Class

Teacher: Class.
Students: Yes.

Teacher: Today, I am going to teach you how to know what supplies you need and when to get them out on our desk each day.  Tell your neighbor what you’re going to learn about today.  Clap.  Clap. Teach.
Students:  Clap.  Clap. Okay.  (Students repeat what the teacher has said.)

Teacher.  Class.  Class.
Students:  Yes.  Yes.

Teacher: Each day in history class, you must come prepared with a set of supplies.  These include your notebook, paper, pencil, colored pencils, glue, and scissors.  Some days you might only need a pencil, but other days could require all supplies.  But, no matter what, you must come prepared.  TEACH!
Students: OKAY! (Students repeat what the teacher just said.)

Teacher: Oh Class.
Students: Oh Yes.

Teacher: I will always have the current day’s supply list written on the front board.  When I clap like this, “Clap.  Clap.  Clap, clap, clap,” and say, “R2 Stuff,” you will immediately stop what you are doing, complete a full turn toward the front board, repeat the clap and say, “R2 Stuff,” and (R2) READ and REPEAT the supply list for the day 3 times.  Teach your neighbor how we will get our STUFF ready for class each day.  Clap.  Clap.  Teach.
Students: Clap.  Clap.  Okay.  (Students explain Clap.  Clap.  Clap, clap, clap.  R2 Stuff).  

Teacher: Class.
Students: Yes.

Teacher: Good job, teaching.  That’s one point on the scoreboard for the class.  Give me an, “Oh Yeah!”
Students: Oh Yeah!

Teacher: Now that you know how we are going to get supplies out, we need to practice.  You must get supplies out quickly so we can begin class on time.  Here we go!  I want you to turn to your neighbor and begin talking.  When I interrupt, it will be for R2 Stuff.  Ready.  Talk!
Students:  (Students turn and begin talking to each other.)

Teacher: “Clap.  Clap.  Clap, clap, clap.  R2 Stuff.”  
Students: (Students stop talking, make full turns toward the board, clap/say, “Clap.  Clap.  Clap, clap, clap.  R2 Stuff,” and repeat the supply list 3 times.  Then, they get out the needed supplies as quickly as possible.)

Teacher: Class.  Class.
Students.  Yes.  Yes.

Teacher: That was awesome!  Give me a Mighty Oh Yeah!
Students: Oh Yeah!

*Note: As an added bonus, the teacher can use the “Beat the Clock” Scoreboard to encourage students to get ready faster.  

WBT Bookclub Chapter 12-Mirror, Hands, and Eyes

U.S. History Sample Gestures
1. Marshall Plan-Students must know who created the Marshall Plan and its purpose.  
Students repeat as they point their pointer finger in the air, "George C. Marshall was the man.  He created the Marshall Plan."  Pointing, showing the number 13, then stretching arms out, students repeat, "The  Marshall Plan gave 13 billion dollars in aid (use both hands to show money) from the United States (pointing to the west) across the Atlantic Ocean (making waves with hands and moving toward the east) to Western Europe to rebuild (hands move upward to show building) and prevent the spread of communism (hands out in a stopping motion).

Students must understand the provisions of six amendments.

2. 13th Amendment-Students say, "The 13th Amendment banned slavery."  (Show the number 13 with fingers, and then cross both arms in an X fashion then open them.)

3. 14th Amendment-Students say, "The 14th Amendment granted citizenship." (Show the number 14 with fingers, and then 'handshake' your own hands.)

4. 15th Amendment-Students say, "The 15th Amendment let black men vote." (Show the number 15 with fingers, and then write on one hand as if casting a vote. Finish by dropping your ballot in an imaginary box.)

5. 18th Amendment-Students say, "The 18th Amendment banned booze."  (Show the number 18 with fingers, and then cross both arms in an X fashion.  Then, take a drink with an imaginary cup.)

6. 19th Amendment-Students say, "The 19th Amendment gave women suffrage."  (Show the number 19 with fingers, curtsy, and write on one hand as if casting a vote.  Finish by dropping your ballot in an imaginary box.)

7.  21st Amendment-Students say, “The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment bringing booze back.”  (Show the number 21 with fingers, and with hands together, turn over one hand to show ‘overturned.’  Show the number 18 with fingers, drink a drink, and then, with one hand, motion the amendment back.)  As an alternate, sixth grade students also like to say the following with gestures, “The 21st Amendment says it’s O.K. to drink IF you are 21.”  (Show the O.K. sign, take a drink, point your finger when saying, “IF,” then show the number 21 with fingers.)  Note: The last statement is made in pure fun and is not meant to condone drinking.  Instead it gives students a way to remember the amendment number with the legal drinking age.